Council finance boss sends message of support to Harlow Businesses following Government grant announcement


Last week (21 December 2021), the Government announced £1 billion in support for businesses most impacted by Omicron across the UK.

As we currently understand the support includes targeted grants for hospitality and leisure businesses and funding for Additional Restrictions Grant.

Harlow Council’s cabinet member for finance, Councillor James Leppard, has signalled his clear support for local businesses, saying:
“I fully recognise the challenges that local businesses are facing with the uncertainty at the present time and we strongly welcome the Chancellor’s announcement outlining the proposed financial support for businesses most likely to be impacted by the rise in Omicron cases.

“We look forward to receiving more detail from the Government in due course on these grants and will act as quickly as possible to get that money to those local businesses who need it most.”

The government expects that the grants will be available in the coming weeks. The council will issue further updates for businesses as more information and guidance becomes available from the government.

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