Gloucester Park gets £65,000 improvements as part of Basildon 70 legacy


Works have started in Gloucester Park to install new play equipment and a fitness trim trail, as a legacy to Basildon’s 70th anniversary celebrations last year.

The new play equipment commemorates Lewis Silkin MP, who was responsible for the passing of the New Towns Act in 1945 and will consist of a Four Saw Multi User Seesaw and a large, multi-element structure.

A Basildon at 70 time capsule has been buried underneath the play area and will contain photographs, banners and merchandise from the year-long celebrations in 2019. The play equipment will be in place this month, with the fitness trim trail installation taking place in the New Year.

The total cost of the project was £65,000, with Veolia Environmental Trust contributing £58,500 and the remainder provided by Basildon Council.

Chairman of the Neighbourhoods and Public Spaces Committee Councillor David Harrison, said: “Gloucester Park is a vital community asset and this new play equipment will only improve the park, whilst leaving a lasting legacy to Basildon’s 70th anniversary celebrations.

“Thank you to the various Gloucester Park community groups who helped us to pick the equipment, that I’m sure will provide lots of fun for many years to come.”

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