Why Essex is the Ideal Location for a Start-Up Business


In recent times, the volume of start-up companies that have hit the market in the United Kingdom has continued to rise. According to figures from Micro Biz Mag, 672,890 newly-formed businesses came to fruition in the 2018/19 tax year. By definition, a start-up is a scalable work project that’s taken on by an entrepreneur. On paper, there are numerous advantages to working for a recently-created organisation, including efficiency and flexibility. However, for those seeking to launch their own start-up, it’s essential to select the right location. So, let’s take a look at why Essex is a perfect location for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Local Benefits

From a practicality standpoint, it’s clear to see why those with profitable business aspirations are targeting Essex as their go-to destination. Perhaps one of the most attractive advantages of the county concerns its proximity to the UK’s capital city, London. The county possesses various popular commuter areas, which ensure timely travel to both London and Surrey. Regarding business progression, a report from Information Age states that 25 per cent of global entrepreneurs have a relationship with at least two London-based companies.

Aside from the geographical benefits, numerous positives showcase the county’s start-up potential. In an article by the Telegraph, it’s reported that Essex has more entrepreneurs per square mile than any other county in the UK. Although nothing is ever guaranteed in business, few can argue that Essex doesn’t have the foundations and history to ensure start-up success.

Numerous Success Stories

Because of the advantageous nature of starting up a business in Essex, it will come as no surprise to learn that the county boasts numerous success stories. One of the area’s thriving entrepreneurs is Almas Adam. At the age of 21, the businessman left university with a law degree and, along with his brother, played a pivotal role in the launch of six CeX stores. The company specialises in second-hand technology and has done so since the early 1990s. It’s a testament to his success that he was awarded the BFA Young Franchisee of the Year award in 2018, as per Right at Home.

Ultimately, CeX showcase how revolutionary concepts can thrive within the 21st century by targeting a niche market. Outside of Essex, increasing numbers of digital start-ups have come to the forefront with the ambition of taking their quirky products to the masses. An example of this concerns the offerings at TaxFreeSnus.

The web-based company focuses its attention on adding depth to the smokeless tobacco market. Prospective consumers can enjoy an array of unique flavours. Their White Fox Slim is available here, and it’s designed with an ice-cool mint flavour. The spearmint-flavoured, extreme-strength product is manufactured by GN Tobacco and illustrates the niche direction that digital businesses are striving to go in.

Don’t Overlook Essex

On the face of it, aspiring entrepreneurs would be wise to consider Essex as the location for their start-up company. The county boasts a rich history of business success and also enjoys close connections to London. That, combined with its entrepreneurial popularity, makes it an ideal spot for any start-up organisations.

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