LABOUR say they can solve the NHS pay dispute by abolishing the non-dom super tax regime for the super wealthy


LABOUR say they can solve the NHS pay dispute by abolishing the non-dom super tax regime for the super wealthy.

Speaking to GB News, the Shadow Business Minister Johathan Reynolds, said: “Yes, this has been about pay, but it’s also been about the burden the workload NHS staff are under. If you take our plan which is to abolish the non-dom, stupid tax regime for very wealthy people and use that revenue you create over 3 billion pounds to expand the NHS workforce.

“You’re giving people some hope that some of the pressures they’re under in future are going to be resolved and I think that’s all they’ve ever asked from the government. Staff want action on pay, but a recognition of the pressures that we’re in, would also go a long way to resolving this dispute.”
Meanwhile Mr Reynolds also set out how Labour plan to protect consumers for “subscription traps”. This happens where you take out a free trial and then it automatically renews and you get left tied into a longer relationship.

He told Weekend Breakfast: “Subscription models are big business and it’s a growing business in the UK worth over 25 billion pounds. So this is a very significant market. But what we are taking action on and what we’re putting forward is a plan to stop what are called subscription traps. So that’s where you take out a free trial, maybe a subsidised trial, and then it automatically renews when you weren’t really intending for that to happen, and you’re tied into that longer term relationship. All we are saying is we’re going to change the law under a Labour government so you’ve got the choice. There might be some things you want to auto renew and insurance is a good example of that. Everything else you should be given the choice if you want to auto renew great, but if you don’t, that is available to you when you sign up. And I think that is an important change for a growing market and I’m really pleased we can put it forward today.”

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