4 Things That Make You Look Older Than You Are


Aging is a natural part of life and not something we should shy away from. However, there are certain lifestyle factors that not only have a detrimental effect on our health but can actually make us look older than our years. Here are four things that can speed up the aging process.

1.Excess weight

Being overweight or obese is associated with a multitude of physical and mental conditions, but did you know that it can also contribute to aging? Studies have shown that obesity speeds up aging because it compromises the immune system and alters some of the body’s molecular and cellular mechanisms. This can lead to young adults developing conditions that are more often seen in the elderly, such as osteoarthritis, heart disease, and stroke. One danger with the likes of heart disease is that you might not know that your heart is struggling. Heart disease can go undetected and, if left untreated, can be fatal. If you are overweight or if you are worried about your heart, consider getting a specialist cardiology review.  Dr Georgios Karagiannis is an expert cardiologist who can advise you.

2.Lack of sleep

We’ve all seen ourselves in the mirror after a night of insufficient sleep. Deep eye bags and puffy skin is not a good look and can add years to your face. While the odd sleepless night is unlikely to cause any real harm, there is no denying that poor sleep quality over the long-term will accelerate the aging process.  It’s therefore vital that you aim to get the right amount of sleep to keep you healthy. According to the Centre For Disease Control and Prevention, the average adult should be getting at least seven hours sleep a night for optimum health.


There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the odd glass of wine, but regular excessive drinking will not only be dangerous to your health, it’ll make you look older. As a natural diuretic, alcohol causes dehydration, which will play havoc with your complexion. Your body also has to work harder to flush out all the toxins and its ability to tackle free radicals, which can exacerbate aging, is diminished. Cutting your alcohol intake will not only help you to enjoy better health and more energy, it’ll do wonders for your skin.


Working in fast-paced environments and taking care of busy households means that many of us are stressed out. While a little bit of stress is harmless, not to mention unavoidable, chronic stress can cause a variety of health problems and contribute to aging. Studies have shown that long-term stress not only leads to poor mental health, it can increase inflammation in the body, which is associated with aging. It’s therefore important that if you’re prone to feeling stressed, then you try your best to manage it. This could involve speaking to a professional therapist, learning about mindfulness techniques, confiding in a friend, or just making more time for yourself to relax and reflect.  


Aging is an inevitability, but there are certain lifestyle changes we can make to slow it down. Avoiding too much alcohol and stress, maintaining a healthy weight, and always getting a good night’s sleep will all help you in the long-term. 

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