Key planning document sets out regeneration of Staple Tye


The Council has launched a public consultation on a key planning document which will guide and help secure the future regeneration of Staple Tye. The consultation runs until 5pm on 23 September 2022.

Harlow Council is consulting on this special planning document, called a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), which will provide a clear, robust and deliverable development framework which can be used to regenerate the Staple Tye neighbourhood centre and surrounding area. The Council wants your views on this SPD before it is finalised.

The draft Staple Tye SPD outlines strategy for the Staple Tye neighbourhood centre and surrounding area. It will focus on the following four key areas:

redevelopment opportunities
public realm improvements
connectivity improvements
retention of key uses

Once adopted, the SPD will be a material consideration when planning applications are considered.

The document sets out a bold vision for the enhancement of Staple Tye: “Staple Tye will continue to provide a healthy, vibrant and active neighbourhood centre where residents, visitors and employees will want to work, shop, relax, eat and socialise within a 20-minute walk of homes.”

The vision goes on to say that “residents and visitors will feel a sense of pride for the Staple Tye area through enhancements to the public realm including improved landscaping, streetscapes, building designs and provision of play space.”

Employment and housing also feature in the vision “New employment opportunities will be provided within the development opportunity sites” and “The supply of housing will be increased through several development opportunities. This will deliver a wider choice of high-quality affordable homes in Staple Tye.”

Councillor Michael Hardware, cabinet portfolio holder for strategic growth, said: “We want to build on the regeneration opportunities which already exist in Staple Tye to make it an even better place to live. The area is already the location of a new splash park and there are several housebuilding sites: Perry Road and Parnall Road. These will provide new opportunities for families and extend the council’s housebuilding programme.

“The area will also benefit from investment from the Towns Fund in providing new business units and flexible workspace, as well as improvements to the cycleway and underpasses. To make all this happen so the area continues to regenerate there needs to be planning delivery framework, and that’s what this SPD will provide.

“I would urge all residents, businesses and organisations to give their views on what is in the SPD, and say what they think.”

The Staple Tye SPD can be read online at

The SPD can also be viewed at Great Parndon Library, Harlow Central Library, or the Civic Centre during normal opening hours.

There are also exhibition boards in Great Parndon Library and the Civic Centre until the end of the consultation.

Comments can be made by email to [email protected] or by writing to Forward Planning, Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, College Square, Harlow CM20 1WG.

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