An Overview of Aqualyx Injections: What it is, How it Works, its Benefits and More


You may have noticed something about yourself that other people have as well – no matter how much you try to diet and exercise, there is that stubborn pocket or bulge of fat that you can’t seem to get rid of – and you haven’t looked this good in ages! Those fat pockets – whether on the hip area or love handles or on the chin or arms – look decidedly unappealing, and try as you might, you can’t do away with it. But not to worry – many people have the same issue, and one solution would be to go for fat-dissolving injections. Aqualyx injections, for instance, have become prominent in the UK. These fat-dissolving injections (fat busters, as some people call them) have been an effective non-surgical procedure that tackles those unsightly bulges or pockets of fat. But just like any other treatment, it’s a good idea to learn all you can about it, so here’s an overview of Aqualyx injections: what it is, how it works, and more.

What is it?

You may have heard about Aqualyx injections before but aren’t quite sure what it is. Aqualyx injections are made from a compound of deoxycholate acids, also referred to as Motolese’s solution, which is from the professor who first came up with the drug.

The acids in fat-dissolving injections cause the fat cells to be destroyed, and plastic surgeons regularly use fat-dissolving injections for body shaping or contouring. Different areas of the body are injected, such as the chin, the back, the hips, the stomach, the thighs, and even the knees. Some men also use it to treat pseudo-gynecomastia, a condition which gives the appearance of breasts in the chest area.

When a person is injected, it can reduce the presence of fat – and thus gives a more structured and contoured look and appearance. Results can be evident after one injection, but most people would require two or three before getting their desired results.

How it is administered and how it works

Whilst the procedure may differ based on the centre or clinic you choose, and the process may differ depending on where you decide to get the injections, the steps are generally the same. For instance, the specialist will discuss your goals for the treatment with you, and they will clean the area where you will receive the injection. Afterwards, you will be given a local anaesthetic so that the area is numbed, and then the specialist will inject the solution into the area of the body you want to address. The amount of the fat-dissolving injection and the number will vary depending on the treatment area.

The procedure usually takes 30 minutes to an hour, and you may need from six to eight injections to get maximum results. Once the Aqualyx injections dissolve the fat, the results are permanent – unless you gain weight – if this happens, the results may be affected.

The benefits

The procedure brings many benefits – first and foremost, it is often a permanent solution to eliminate unwanted body fat. The treatment is said to be life-changing, and it is ideal for people who would like to do away with stubborn fat deposits. It is non-surgical, and the treatment is considered safe and effective.

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