YouTuber Louise Pentland has launched a new campaign with NSPCC and Childline


YouTuber, Author & Broadcaster Louise Pentland has launched a new campaign with NSPCC and Childline called ‘Now I Know.’

This is Louise’s debut campaign with the charity, [for which she is already Ambassador for Childhood,] following awful physical and emotional abuse she received as a child. She is dedicating the entire month of April to raising £30k for the NSPCC-run service Childline [£30k is how much it costs to run the service for one day]. It is also poignant Louise lost her dear-mother to cancer, 30 years ago exactly.

Why ‘Now I Know’? Louise as a child never considered calling Childline for support because she was worried that her conversation wouldn’t be confidential. As well as aiming to raise £30k Louise wants to encourage children and adults to get in touch and is highlighting the service’s confidentiality policy through her campaign.

As well as discussing confidentiality, Louise will also talk about other Childline facts that children may not be aware of, including sharing that any child can contact Childline up until their 19th birthday, the service is free to use, calls will not show up on any phone bills and children can contact Childline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

To help aid her fundraising efforts, Louise will host a live stream on YouTube on Thursday 21st April. The event will bring together Louise’s celebrity friends who will be asked to pledge money in support of the NSPCC. The £30k Louise raises will fund Childline on Childhood Day, the NSPCC’s flagship day of fundraising that takes place on Friday 10th June.

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