5 causes why love has been broken during the pandemic

2020 was a different year. COVID-19 has had a lot of influence beyond the sanitary ones. Everyone has had to live through unexpected situations to which they have had to adapt as best they could. One of the most affected in the long term by this situation are couples. The fact is that maintaining a romantic relationship, whether or not people are a cohabiting partner, can be complicated as usual, but nowadays it is even more so. That is why, like many businesses, they have not managed to overcome the pandemic and many have left the relationship. Many couples have ended up separating after years of relationship. 

Increasing pressure

Coordinating work, family life, taking care of the house, restrictions, and managing everything that is going on… It can lead to a lot of stress. Emotions run high and what might have seemed silly before, such as not closing the cabinets at home, becomes almost unbearable.

The intensity of living together, spending so much time together, or apart, puts everything to the test. Patience runs out sooner and everyone ends up finding their own space. Any reason ends up being good to start an argument and unload all the anxiety and stress generated by the situation.

Who, how and when to do each task at home, take care of and bring the children if they have them, work remotely and make one or two offices at home, keep in touch with friends and family… The list of tasks gets longer while the measures and restrictions increase.

So getting organized and coordinating everything at once is difficult. Especially while emotions are mixed with fear, worry and loneliness.

Uncovering secrets

Before COVID-19 came along, it was easier to keep certain kinds of things secret. Like infidelity, for example. Visiting a possible lover, leading a double life during a trip “for work” or with the excuse of going out with a friend, were simpler before.

Entering an erotic chat room, having a spicy video call with the gorgeous escorts in Southend-on-Sea advertising in Skokka, or even masturbating can get complicated. This is because intimacy has now changed. It used to be more likely to have the house empty and available.

In consequence of confinement and mobility restrictions as well as border closures this has all changed radically. So keeping things in confidence without people knowing about it, becomes quite complicated.

All or nothing

Some studies and surveys state that almost a quarter of couples have decided to end their relationship after the pandemic. Couples who live together have come to share everything during the 24 hours of a day, almost locked up within four walls.

Others, however, have experienced the complete opposite. Since they are practically unable to go out in the street, they have become like long-distance relationships. Thus, they have not been able to see each other for months and have resorted to relieving themselves with the help of online services provided by the sexy Delhi escorts in India.

Forced by circumstances to make video calls or the well-known sexting. ‘Blessed new technologies’, many may think, but in most cases, it was not enough.

Missing loved ones, feeling different emotions but not even being able to touch each other… It can be a big challenge for any relationship.

Questioning everything

Many people say that boredom can be very bad. Being restricted in leisure and things to do can be hard. Besides, the human mind is complex, and it is at these times that intriguing questions begin to arise that, normally, they do not. “Do I really love him?” “Why am I doing this?” are some examples.

So it is more likely to begin to turn over a multitude of issues from which conclusions are drawn, and they are not always positive and sometimes leading to ending the relationship “for the good of both”.


It can be called the worst enemy in bed. But, is it outside as well? Getting distracted and neglecting certain details ends up burning the cohabitation and the relationship. Damaging trust, which when taken to the extreme, can also be fatal, romantically speaking.

Doing the same every day, seeing the same thing, talking about the same topics and doing everything identical, for a short time could be bearable, but in the long run it tires. This added with the whole situation where people are not being able to leave the house, can become a bomb that can explode at any time.

To sum up , what is clear is that these are very difficult times emotionally speaking. Many of the things that made people fall in love at the beginning, become insufficient, and the small issues that were easy to bear before, now cost more.

Many couples have broken up as a consequence of the pandemic and all that it has entailed. Others have decided to look for professionals such as exotic and sexy escorts in Ipswich to spice things up and have couples counseling.

In the end, when it comes to determining the future of a relationship between two people,

It depends on the situation of each person; the history behind them, their feelings and the priorities and values they have.


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