Harlow Council plans response to new national restrictions


Brian Keane, Harlow Council’s Chief Executive, has issued the following statement this morning as the council starts to make its plans in response to the new national restrictions:

“In light of the national lockdown announcement by the Prime Minister we are reviewing the impact that restrictions will have on our services so we are ready for when they come into force on Thursday (5 November 2020).

“During this lockdown we will prioritise the services that are most important to our residents and businesses and those services that the government restrictions allow us to continue providing. We will also divert our resources to supporting residents and businesses and continuing to keep everyone safe.

”Residents will still be able to contact us over the phone and through our social media pages on Facebook and Twitter and access services online via our website www.harlow.gov.uk

“We will reopen our Community Hub shortly so we can support residents who need help, advice and reassurance at this time. Further information on the hub service will follow.

”Residents are urged to follow the new restrictions and stay at home where they can and only go out if it is essential. We must all continue doing the right thing for our town and also follow the hands, face and space advice.”

Full information on the new restrictions and what they mean for residents and businesses can be read at https://www.gov.uk/guidance/new-national-restrictions-from-5-november

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