Green MEP backs strike over climate change


On Friday 20 September, children across the world will again walk out of school in the latest of a series of climate strikes, and this time are asking adults to join them.

Catherine Rowett, Green Party Member of the European Parliament for the East of England, will join the strikes in Cambridge and in Norwich, and is lending her support to strikers across the region.

Catherine Rowett MEP said, “The school strikes have been transformative in putting climate change at the top of the agenda, where it needs to be. Children have been leading the way, but Governments are still not showing the courage to adequately address the climate emergency fast enough. Now, more than ever, we need adults to join the strikes and raise the pressure for emergency action.

“It is also worth remembering that while climate change will affect us all, it is already hitting the most vulnerable hardest. We urgently need governments to work together to ensure that we make the transition to a zero carbon economy, for the sake of our children and grandchildren.”

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