Essex filmmaker Amar Adatia teams up with Dean Cain for new film THE SEVEN


by Alin Stacescu | E-Editions

Award-winning Essex filmmaker Amar Adatia has teamed up with Dean Cain for his new horror film dubbed THE SEVEN.

Earlier this week Adatia was soootted arriving on the Essex set of the film with Sinitta and Dave Courtney who both secured roles in the production.

American actor and producer Cain is Co-producing the flick which is due for release later this year, Cain who once appeared in soap opera series Hit the Floor is poised to be a huge asset to the local production.

Adatia who last year won the Essex Talent Of The Year Award told us “It is a very exciting time”.

Get the latest updates on The Seven film by following them on Instagram and Twitter @TheSevenFilm

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