Entrepreneurial mum launches subscription box for tweens and teens


An entrepreneurial mum has launched a brand new subscription box to empower tween and teen girls. It’s called BAEBOX. As well as receiving fun lifestyle products through the post each month, subscribers receive positive and motivational messages printed on cards.

Rosie Shelley launched BAEBOX with the desire to make a positive difference in the lives of growing-up girls, appreciating that being a tween or teen in today’s always-on digital world can be very challenging at times.

For £16 a month plus postage and packaging, subscribers receive a minimum of four carefully selected products, along with a selection of positive messages. Contents include lifestyle products, stationery, fashion accessories, toiletries and confectionery. Subscribers can save by purchasing pre-paid 3, 6 and 12-month subscriptions, which can also be given as gifts.

Positive and uplifting messages in the boxes remind these girls they are fabulous, special and valued individuals. The boxes encourage them to believe in themselves, to follow their own path, to be themselves.

The tween box, launched in September was so successful that BAEBOX has added a teen box to the subscription boxes available. It’s designed for teens aged 13-15 who are interested in fashion and beauty but are too young for traditional beauty boxes and whose contents would not be age-appropriate.

BAEBOX teen introduces this audience of girls to products that are more suitable for them, supporting them as they grow-up, but ensuring they don’t grow up too fast.

Rosie Shelley says: ‘I’m aware just how difficult growing up can be, not just because I have a 13-year-old daughter but because I found those years challenging myself and that was before the age of digital. Now it is even harder to switch off and escape it all.

‘Many girls at this age start comparing themselves to others and questioning their value and place in their world. It’s a time of change and uncertainty. It’s also the time they are bombarded with marketing messages to look a certain way, to maintain a certain weight, to be perfect.

‘The recent Good Childhood Report 2016 produced by The Children’s Society found that as as girls get older they become increasingly unhappy with their appearance. They are also more likely to experience emotional health problems such as anxiety and depression. That’s a major concern.

‘Already I’m hearing of girls going off to school feeling more confident because they’ve pinned the cards to their bedroom noticeboard and started looking at them each day, or they’ve taken them to school in their pocket to look at when they need to. It’s great to hear the positive messages are being seen and heard, that the boxes are making a difference.’

The tagline of BAEBOX is ‘awesome as you are’.  The boxes include positive and uplifting messages to reinforce the message to this age group that they are fabulous and special and valued individuals, just as they are.

The boxes have already started shipping out to tweens and teens across the UK.

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