Braintree volunteer group goes from strength to strength


The Friends of Hoppit Mead (LNR) volunteer group is celebrating their ongoing commitment to improving and enhancing Marshalls Park in London Road, Braintree. Since their inception in 2015, the dedicated group meets once a month to carry out a number of vital tasks in the park including planting new trees, managing non-native invasive species, river monitoring and litter picking.

The group’s efforts have not gone unnoticed and there has been a noticeable decrease in litter and anti-social behaviour in the park since the group began its valuable work. In addition to their regular litter picking and conservation activities, the Friends of Hoppit Mead LNR have also installed handmade bird and bat boxes, further contributing to the ecological diversity of the area.

The volunteers are the ‘eyes and ears ‘of the Nature Reserve and their early detection of an oily substance was reported to the Environment Agency and meant that further river pollution was prevented and the cause of the pollution traced to the source.

The group’s dedication to environmental stewardship extends beyond their own community. They regularly invite new members to join their work parties and share their passion for making a positive difference, actively encouraging them to start new groups in their communities.

Councillor Tom Cunningham, Cabinet Member for Transformation, the Environment and Customer Services, and Deputy Leader at Braintree District Council said: “Our parks and open spaces are the heart of our communities, and we greatly value the hard work of all the volunteers and their ongoing dedication. We would like to thank the Friends of Hoppit Mead working group for their commitment to making our community a better place.”

Denise, chairman of Friends of Hoppit Mead said: ‘”We are immensely proud of the impact we have made on Hoppit Mead LNR and the surrounding community. Our monthly work parties are not just about cleaning up the park, they are also about fostering a sense of ownership and pride in our community. We encourage anyone with a passion for the environment and their local community to join us and make a difference.”

All of the volunteers in the group are registered as Green Heart Champions. The Braintree District Green Heart Champions are a group of volunteers who are passionate about keeping their district clean and tidy. They give their time and energy to pick up litter and clear up green spaces to make their communities a more beautiful and enjoyable place to live.

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