Experts reveal why some meals taste better the next day


We’ve all saved evening meals over for lunch, but why do they taste better the next day, and which are the best foods for it?

From a takeaway pizza to batch cooking curries and lasagnes, certain dishes excel in flavour when left overnight, and Ocado has worked with Alice Williams, Nutrition Coach at OriGym to reveal the ultimate taste savouring Monday to Friday menu.

Why do certain meals taste better the next day?

Alice explains “Certain foods taste better the next day due to a process called ‘flavour melding’ or ‘flavour development’. This happens when the ingredients in a dish have had more time to interact with each other, allowing the flavours to blend and intensify. It happens because over time, more chemical reactions occur in the food that affect flavour. For example, the Maillard reaction, which is responsible for browning and developing rich flavours, continues to take place.”

With searches for “what is the best way to reduce food waste” up by 100% over the last 12 months1, Brits are looking for inventive ways to use up their ingredients. For busy parents or workers, this menu can help improve time efficiency, be cost-effective and reduce food waste, all whilst the flavours of the meals are constantly improving from tea time, to lunch time the following day:

Monday – Chunky Chilli with Chocolate and Quick Guacamole

Ocado’s chilli uses braising steak for a hearty Monday meal, with hints of chocolate for a delicious sweetness that permeates the dish. Alice adds “The flavours in chilli have time to meld together, resulting in a richer, more robust taste. The beans also tend to soak up the flavours of the sauce.”

Tuesday – Lasagne Al Forno

A family favourite, this Italian classic is the perfect warming autumn meal, and something to look forward to for lunch the next day. On how the flavours blend over time, Alice explains “The layers of pasta, sauce, cheese, and other ingredients in lasagne have a chance to meld and create a more cohesive flavour profile. The dish also tends to hold together better after it’s had time to set.”

Wednesday – Curry Chicken with Green Seasoning and Golden Rice

Packed full of flavour, Riaz Phillips’ curry chicken is inspired by his Caribbean roots and is both punchy and fresh. Alice says “Curry dishes often contain a variety of herbs, spices, and aromatic ingredients. Allowing these flavours to infuse over time can result in a more complex and satisfying taste.”

Thursday – Potato and Leek Soup

With temperatures starting to drop, this classic Potato and Leek soup is a cosy addition to the menu, as well as being a quick and easy lunch for the following day. Alice adds “The ingredients in stews and soups continue to interact and the broth tends to thicken, leading to a more concentrated and flavourful dish.”

Friday ­– Spaghetti Bolognese

Ending the week on another Italian family-favourite, this Bolognese is ready in less than an hour, ideal for a fun Friday tea as well as a quick Saturday lunch. Alice explains “Like chilli, the flavours in a Bolognese sauce have a chance to develop and intensify over time. The meat, vegetables, and tomato sauce blend together for a more harmonious taste.”

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