Harlow Council roll out major survey to hear residents views on improving services


Harlow Council has employed research company Yonder Data Solutions to find out residents’ views on the council and its priorities for the town as part of the council’s priority to improve council services.

The company, which has carried out resident polls for the Local Government Association and surveys for other councils, is interviewing residents by telephone. Researchers will never ask for bank details or personal information such as names or addresses.

Councillor Dan Swords, Leader of Harlow Council, said: “One of our five priorities is to improve council services and that’s why we’re asking hundreds of residents for their views in this comprehensive residents’ survey. This is the first of its type in Harlow and I am very encouraged by the number of residents that have given their views already in this independent telephone survey.
“I strongly encourage any resident that is contacted to give their honest views which will enable us to improve council services and deliver on your priorities. This is your chance to truly have your say and your feedback will be at the heart of our new plan (Corporate Strategy) which is being developed this year. The recent Local Government Association corporate peer challenge made clear that Harlow Council has not done well enough in listening to your views and that is why we are taking this comprehensive action now for you to truly have your say.

“This is the start of our work to transform the way we engage with residents, and we will be carrying out further consultation on our new plan during the summer and autumn so every resident and business who wants a say can have one.”

The telephone survey includes several questions which are used nationally to compare performance between councils. The survey will find out:

Satisfaction with the local area as a place to live
Satisfaction with the way the council runs things
Views on value for money
How well informed the council keeps residents
Community safety
Trust in the council
Satisfaction with individual services

The survey will also find out more about:

What communication methods residents use and their preferred methods
What information residents want and readership of the council’s magazine Harlow Times
How supportive residents are of additional housing in and around Harlow
Views on our priorities and what else is important to residents

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