Top tips on how to reduce hay fever symptoms


How to reduce hay fever symptoms

As summer arrives, so does the dreaded hay fever season, with tree pollen occurring from June to September, followed by grass pollen lasting from mid-May to July. This common allergic condition affects up to one in five people at some point in their life, making it essential to find ways to alleviate symptoms[1]. Luckily, Beko is here to lend a helping hand with their practical tips for reducing hay fever discomfort. Whether you already own an Air Purifier or are considering getting one, Beko’s advice will assist you in making the most of this valuable tool in managing hay fever symptoms.

Choose an Air Purifier with a HEPA filter: When selecting an Air Purifier, look for one equipped with a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter. These filters excel at removing over 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, and pollen. Beko’s Air Purifier with HEPA filter and HygieneShield™ technology takes it a step further, releasing negative ions that neutralise and sanitise airborne pollutants.

Close windows: To prevent pollen from entering your living space, keep doors and windows closed. By creating a barrier, you can effectively maintain the clean, purified air inside your home.

Clean the filter regularly: Maintain the efficiency of your Air Purifier by cleaning the filters monthly. By doing so, you’ll ensure that your purifier continues to perform optimally and keeps hay fever triggers at bay.

Keep your Air Purifier in the room you spend the most time in: Designate the room where you spend the most time, typically your bedroom, as the primary location for your Air Purifier. During sleep, you may inhale airborne contaminants, including allergens. By ensuring clean, filtered air in your bedroom, you can minimise hay fever symptoms and enjoy a restful night’s sleep.

Positioning is key: For larger rooms, strategic placement of the Air Purifier is crucial. Position it in a way that allows the purified air to reach all corners of the room effectively. In smaller spaces, feel free to place the purifier wherever it suits your convenience and comfort.

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