Colchester Based Supporters Of Animal Rebellion “Paint The Streets” In National Night Of Action


On the (13/2/23), before Valentine’s Day, local supporters of Animal Rebellion put up posters across the center of Colchester City reading slogans such as “Don’t Break Any Hearts This Valentine’s Day, Be Part Of A Plant-Based Future”, whilst also spray-painting stylised pawprints featuring hearts.
Areas the posters and paint could be seen were Colchester Town Hall, Culver Square and Trinity Square
Other cities and towns in the UK targeted include Ipswich, Bedford and Norwich

In a coordinated mass action, individuals from the climate and animal group Animal Rebellion covered several UK towns and cities with posters calling for the transition to a plant-based food system and that Britain lives up to its label of a ‘nation of animal lovers’ this Valentine’s day.

Stephen Bone, 40, Thorpe-le-Soken, Photographer said:

“Last night’s Paint the Streets action was completed with love and with good intentions by members of Animal Rebellion across the UK. We are asking people to show love to all beings this valentines day, and going forward, to not break any hearts of the billions of beings held in captivity on factory farms and testing laboratories.

Animal Agriculture is also a leading cause of the climate crisis as well as accountable for the vast majority of suffering inflicted upon beings for an unjust reason. A swift transition to a plant based future with no exploitation of any living being is what is required to secure a future for all our loved ones.”

In 2018, comprehensive research from the University of Oxford showed that 76% of the land currently used for food production would be freed-up by a global transition to plant-based production [1]. This land could be rewilded and begin carbon drawdown, mitigating the worst impacts of climate breakdown. A 2019 Harvard University report on UK farmland and food production from Helen Harwatt and Matthew N. Hayek also concluded that the UK would be carbon-negative if it completely transitioned to a plant-based food system.

Animal Rebellion is urging wholesale governmental and societal support for farmers and fishing communities to transition to a plant-based food system and programme of rewilding that will secure a future for generations to come.

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