Top tips on combatting possible implications of screentime in children


TELEVISIONS, computer monitors, phones and tablets have become a part of everyday life – regardless of our age – and research suggests it’s having a negative impact on our eyesight.

One study found that almost a third (31%) of people noticed their vision had worsened since the introduction of lockdowns in response to COVID-19, with 41% believing increased time spent on electronic screens was the cause.

And it’s possible that this increase in screentime could be damaging our children’s eyes, with research showing children are twice as likely to experience myopia (short-sightedness) now than 50 years ago.

This could very well be linked to an increase in digital screen use during childhood, alongside the fact children are spending less time outdoors.

Giles Edmonds, Specsavers clinical services director, says: ‘Whether we like it or not, electronic screens are a part of our lives – including our children’s.

‘Unfortunately, our eyes are not designed to be fixed on a single object for a long period of time, which is why we’re noticing an increase in eye strain and stress in people of all ages.
‘However, by reducing screentime and ensuring we encourage healthy screen habits, we can lower the risk of eye strain and improve children’s eye health.’

Read on for Giles’ tips on combatting possible implications of screentime in children:

Set tech-free zones
Banishing screens from certain rooms in the house, such as the dining room and bedroom, not only helps give children’s eyes a must needed rest – it boosts their mental health too. Research shows children who use electronic screens before bed suffer with poor sleep which has been link to depression, anxiety, and obesity. Phone use at the dining table has also been shown to have a negative impact on our mood, hampering our enjoyment while eating with friends and family.

Don’t use screentime as a reward
Rewarding good behaviour with extra screen time (or taking away screen time as a punishment) might seem like a good way of controlling your child’s tech time however, research has found that children who are disciplined with screen time end up spending more time on gadgets than their peers.

Participate in shared screen time
It might sound counterintuitive but by engaging in your children’s screen time, you can keep an eye on what they’re watching and gain insight into what they’re interested in. Talk to your child about what they like about what their watching, then incorporate it into an activity away from their gadget. Recreate your kid’s favourite video game in real life or offer to be a living model for their most streamed make-up tutorials.

Lead by example
How can you expect your children to cut down their screen time, if you aren’t? A good way to impart healthy screen time behaviour in your child is to lead by example. Ask yourself what screen habits you want your child to follow and display them yourself. No phones at the dinner table? Make sure Mum and Dad keep their phones off the table too.

Encourage healthy screen time habits
Electronic screens are here to stay, so it’s important to instill healthy habits when it comes to screen time. Just a few simple techniques can help reduce eyestrain. Follow the 20:20:20 rule: look up from your screen every 20 minutes and look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. Looking into the distance helps relax the focusing muscles of your eyes, which in turn reduces eye fatigue.   Reflections on computer screens can cause glare and lead to eye strain. Try reducing this by attaching an anti-glare screen to your children’s monitor. If your children wears glasses, consider having their lenses treated with an anti-glare coating.

If you’ve noticed a change in your child’s vision over the past few months, or they’ve reported some of the symptoms above, it’s best to arrange an eye test.

Specsavers recommend that children have their eyes tested every year to ensure their eyes remain healthy during this important developmental stage.

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