6 Electrical Safety Measures You Should Take for Your Business


When it comes to running a business, it is easy to forget about or put aside some of the more mundane tasks and procedures, but often these are the things which are of most importance. Below is a list of electrical safety measures you should never neglect for your business.

PAT Testing

You should have all electrical items PAT tested annually. This includes fixed appliances such as hand dryers, lighting, and ovens as well as non-fixed or portable items such as kettles, laptops and fans. PAT tests should also be carried out on any temporary electrical equipment such as Christmas lights. New installations should also be tested for safety.

Regular Inspections

Regular electrical inspections are vital to ensure that your business electrics are not only working correctly, but are safe. An experienced electrician will check the electrics for risks and hazards, ensuring that your workplace remains safe and compliant with regulations. Failure to complete regular electrical testing will often render insurance policies invalid. For businesses in London requiring an Electrical Safety Certificate, Trade Facilities Services offer this as part of a full scope of electrical safety services, including inspections, PAT testing, and fire alarm testing.

Emergency Lighting

Having emergency lighting is important to ensure that, in the case of an emergency, your employees are able to find their way to safety. Although emergency lighting does not use mains electricity, it should still be part of regular testing to ensure it is working and safe to use should the need arise.

Fire Alarm Testing

Full testing of fire alarm systems should be completed twice a year by a qualified electrician or fire alarm engineer to ensure they are in good working order. You should also take responsibility for regular daily and weekly checks to ensure alarm panels are not damaged, and that alarms are working.

Take Responsibility

You should take general responsibility for the electrical safety of your business. That could mean ensuring that any new construction is completed properly by qualified personal and complies with relevant safety guidance, or ensuring any concerns about your electrical equipment are reported to the appropriate persons. You should also consider appointing a specific person who takes responsibility for electrical safety as part of their role.

Safety Precautions

Every business should have safety measures in place in case of potential electrical incidents. Fire drills should be practised regularly to ensure all employees understand what to do in the case of a fire, which are often caused by electrical equipment. Every business should also have at least one qualified first aider who can provide medical attention in the event of someone being injured. Posters displaying what to do in the instance of someone receiving an electric shock are also a good idea.

By taking all of these steps, you will greatly reduce the risk of problems caused by electrical issues, such as injury or legal action. If in any doubt about what steps your business should take to be compliant, you should check the latest guidance, and keep informed of updates.

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