Cats Protection outlines how to help keep felines safe


Cats Protection has outlined a series of steps which can be taken to help keep felines safe throughout the year.

Although cats often enjoy exploring, their curiosity can lead them into trouble. A few simple measures can help keep cats away from danger and enjoying life.

Keep cats inside during hours of darkness. Cats are at increased risk of road injuries and theft after nightfall. Keeping cats indoors overnight and timing meals to coincide with rush hour will help keep cats away from busy roads.

Ensure cats are neutered, vaccinated and microchipped.

Making sure cats are neutered provides a host of benefits in addition to preventing unwanted kittens being born. Neutered cats are less likely to roam, lowering the risk of car accidents and less likely to fight and contract serious diseases which are spread by saliva. Microchipping offers a safe and permanent method of identification, while ensuring cats are vaccinated will protect against parasites and diseases.

Encourage cats to stay close to home. If cats are content, they are more likely to stay within their own home and garden.

Planting cat-friendly plants such as catnip and lavender, providing logs for scratching and some grass seed to provide long grass for relaxing or to assist with expelling hairballs can all add to the creation of a cat-friendly space. Make sure you are keeping their claws kept down. If you’re not sure of your options, you can look at the KittyWire pick list. Poisonous substances often found in the home or garden, such as antifreeze, disinfectants, insect and pest killers should be kept securely.

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